Selasa, 25 Desember 2018

The One-Eyed King Volume 1 Chapter 1 Part 1.2

Night has came. By order of General Avrah Zelzan - The General of Shaim Forces - , all citizens in the city were now hostages to Shaim Forces. Though they were being hostages, Shaim Forces treated them really well. And thus, many citizens didn’t bear hatred towards them. In fact, some of citizens even pledge to Ishaim and started to worship Khamii.
The deads has been buried, all works to set defense has been done.
And now, most of citizens and some of Shaim’s soldiers were in deep sleep.
At this time, General Avrah was sitting in his office - former of major’s office - with deep thoughts.
He felt guilt because he and his force were brought deaths and terrors toward this city.
But of course, he couldn’t do anything about it. He just did his duty as soldier.
One thing he can do was pray to God so that the emperor would accepted defeat, end this war, and peace would came back.
Then, he heard knock at the door with a voice of a man asking for permission to entered his office.
After General Avrah allowed that man to entered, he can see one of his lieutenant entered the room.
The lieutenant put his right fist to his left chest and greeted General Avrah.
"May peace and bless of Khamii be with you, General Avrah."
General Avrah answered and greeted him back.
"May peace and bless of Khamii be with you too, Lieutenant. So, can i help you with something?"
"It is not that, General. I just come here to remind you that you need some sleep. We may destroyed East Gate, but I already set many mens to defend it. And with no sign of Romeruth's counter-attack, this city will be fine. So, you can rest without any worry, General. I told you before we come here, didn’t I? As a front-line general, you need to save your energy."
"I am sorry for making you worry. To be honest, I want to sleep, but just can’t."
Because of Avrah’s answer, the lieutenant frowned and asked,
“Is something troubling you, General?”
"I feel guilty because we bring deaths and terrors to this city."
The lieutenant showed a bitter smile and said,
“You haven’t changed at all since we were kids, Avrah. You have talent to fight, yet always feel guilt to hurts others, even it is for the sake to protect something you cherish.”
"Really, huh? I guess you are right, Eksa."
Suddenly, they heard a scream.
That scream was so loud and even could made windows got broken by it’s soundwave.
General Avrah and Lieutenant Eksa couldn’t move. They just could covering their ears in pain.
After that screaming was over, Lieutnant Eksa asking about that scream in panic.
“Wh-what was that, General?”
“I do not know either. If I am not mistaken, it came from where the East Gate should be. Let us go there, Lieutnant! We must investigate this case.”
And so, General Avrah and Lieutnant Eksa went to East Gate, the place that scream came from.
What waited them is.......

To Be Continued

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