Selasa, 25 Desember 2018

The One-Eyed King Volume 1 Chapter 1 Part 1.2

Night has came. By order of General Avrah Zelzan - The General of Shaim Forces - , all citizens in the city were now hostages to Shaim Forces. Though they were being hostages, Shaim Forces treated them really well. And thus, many citizens didn’t bear hatred towards them. In fact, some of citizens even pledge to Ishaim and started to worship Khamii.
The deads has been buried, all works to set defense has been done.
And now, most of citizens and some of Shaim’s soldiers were in deep sleep.
At this time, General Avrah was sitting in his office - former of major’s office - with deep thoughts.
He felt guilt because he and his force were brought deaths and terrors toward this city.
But of course, he couldn’t do anything about it. He just did his duty as soldier.
One thing he can do was pray to God so that the emperor would accepted defeat, end this war, and peace would came back.
Then, he heard knock at the door with a voice of a man asking for permission to entered his office.
After General Avrah allowed that man to entered, he can see one of his lieutenant entered the room.
The lieutenant put his right fist to his left chest and greeted General Avrah.
"May peace and bless of Khamii be with you, General Avrah."
General Avrah answered and greeted him back.
"May peace and bless of Khamii be with you too, Lieutenant. So, can i help you with something?"
"It is not that, General. I just come here to remind you that you need some sleep. We may destroyed East Gate, but I already set many mens to defend it. And with no sign of Romeruth's counter-attack, this city will be fine. So, you can rest without any worry, General. I told you before we come here, didn’t I? As a front-line general, you need to save your energy."
"I am sorry for making you worry. To be honest, I want to sleep, but just can’t."
Because of Avrah’s answer, the lieutenant frowned and asked,
“Is something troubling you, General?”
"I feel guilty because we bring deaths and terrors to this city."
The lieutenant showed a bitter smile and said,
“You haven’t changed at all since we were kids, Avrah. You have talent to fight, yet always feel guilt to hurts others, even it is for the sake to protect something you cherish.”
"Really, huh? I guess you are right, Eksa."
Suddenly, they heard a scream.
That scream was so loud and even could made windows got broken by it’s soundwave.
General Avrah and Lieutenant Eksa couldn’t move. They just could covering their ears in pain.
After that screaming was over, Lieutnant Eksa asking about that scream in panic.
“Wh-what was that, General?”
“I do not know either. If I am not mistaken, it came from where the East Gate should be. Let us go there, Lieutnant! We must investigate this case.”
And so, General Avrah and Lieutnant Eksa went to East Gate, the place that scream came from.
What waited them is.......

To Be Continued

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2018

The One-Eyed King Volume 1 Chapter 1 Part 1.1 - The Day He Was Born

At that day, a six years old boy saw the last thing he wish to see. Spilling bloods from the dead, cries of pain from those survived, and the fall of the city where he was born and lived.
An invading force came to shattered everything from his and all of the citizens lives.
“Hide here. Do not come out even an inch! Rest easy. Your father and his friends are fighting the invaders right now. And I will protect you, my son.”
His mother tried to comfort him, even when herself was trembling in fear.
He knew that his mother worried about him. And for his mother’s sake, he obeyed her and hide in a basement of their house.
Then, the worst happened.
Three soldiers of the invading force entered their house and one of them said,
“Please get out of here! All of the city guards has been defeated and our general demand all citizens to gather at front of city hall!”
His mother gasped for a moment, but then calmed herself and knew that they were not lying.
The invading force was known of their supreme power. His mother and all of citizens, even all of dead guards knew that fact because of their origin.
They came from Shaim Kingdom.
Shaim Kingdom, which ruled by King Dauth Vinne Rajack, was a strong and prosperous country located at northeast.
The kingdom adhered theocracy system which came from a religion that worshiped one God only. The name of that religion is Ishaim and the God that they worships is called Khamii.
Shaim Kingdom was always known as the manufacturer of great war armaments, technologies, and the distributor of healthy, yet delicious food ingredients. Thus, making their economics great and stood as one of the strongest country on the planet.
They also possessed knowledge at all factors needed to strengthened their country.
Besides all of those, Shaim Kingdom was also known as a peace-loving country which doesn’t use their great power to invaded other countries.
Then, why they invaded a city this time?
That is because of the city which the boy and his mother lived was a part of Romeruth Empire, a wide country which was at war with them.
Two years ago, the ruler of Romeruth Empire, Emperor Marcus Claudius Sole Nic August ordered his forces to invaded Shaim Kingdom for the sake to expanded his domain.
He believed that his forces number would overwhelmed Shaim’s forces.
But the truth said otherwise. His quantities couldn’t match their qualities.
Then, Shaim Kingdom officially declared a war against Romeruth Empire.
As the times flowed, Romeruth Empire starting to lost one by one of it’s territory to Shaim Kingdom.
Senates began to asked their emperor to surrender and accept a defeat to Shaim Kingdom. But due to Emperor’s pride, he refused their plea and continued fighting.
And finally, the waves of Shaim Military Forces reached this city.
“I won’t obey! I will kill you right now! Don’t come further!”
The boy’s mother said that and pulled a knife from his blouse, then pointed it to the three soldiers in front of her.
“Leave now, invaders!”
“Please don’t! I assured you, you are not in danger. Our general just want to gather all survivors so he can manage this city more easily in this time of war. We won’t harm you, even a bit, so please don’t rise your hands against us!”
The three soldiers sheathed their swords to ensured the mother that they have no ill intention to her.
“Like I will trust you! Leave now!”
“Please believe us! We will leave when you leave with us. That is an order from our general. So please, I beg you to come with us to city hall.”
The mother has lost her temper and started to advanced one of the soldiers with her knife.
The threatened soldier catch her hand and then broke her neck due to his reflect.
His mates were just staring at him and the dead woman for a while before they shouted at him in anger.
“What did you do?! Why you killed her?!”
“She was just a citizen, dude! Why?!”
The soldier who killed the mother trembling in fear and answered,
“I..I just..I’m sorry! I just reacted and killed her by reflect!”
“By Khamii, general won’t be happy to hear this.”
While the three soldiers weeping at what they’ve been doing, a sudden shout, a painful one, interrupted them.
The three soldiers looked with horror to a boy who came out from nowhere. They realized that one of them had killed his mother.
“Mother! Wake up! Please wake up!”
The boy embraced his dead mother and cried with tears full of pain and sorrows.
The three soldiers couldn’t see the scene and adverted turned their sight away with a painful face.
The boy kept crying and the three soldiers remained silent before someone, who equipped himself with same equipment as them, entered the house.
“What happened here?!”
The three soldiers looked out to that voice and pay homage as fast as they could to the new person.
“Lieutenant, Sir! We apologize for being late! A distasteful event has occurred! A citizen raised her hands against us and forced us to killed her!”
The lieutenant looked at a sight of a boy who cried to a dead woman in front of him, and said,
“What a shame. I understand. One of you, take the boy to city hall! The rest will carry the dead to be buried later!”
The three soldiers put their fist to their left chest and answered,
“Sir! We hear and ready to carry the order!”
Then, the boy forced to said goodbye to his mother forever and being carried to city hall with a soldier and his lieutenant.

Why this happened to us?
Why no one saved us?
Where are Emprium Gods?
If they existed, then why they didn’t save us?
I prayed to them, worshiped them, but.....
The boy couldn’t understand why a disaster hit him and his family.
Were Gods not care about mortals?
Or were they not existed at all?
The boy tried to think about that, but still had no answer.
Then suddenly, something happened to him.
An explosion of darkness felt breaking his mind. From that explosion, a black tree with a billion branches grew and gave him many things which he didn’t know yet.
Then, he felt a lot powers came to his brain, his body, and his soul.
After that, he became something different in the multiverses.

In one of many dimensions of this world, a being who lived there felt something has occurred in human’s land.
“This is amazing. I’ve never knew that he is something this amazing. Does Khamii know or not about this fact this whole time? Or His warning just saying that he will threat His domination of these multiverses?”
That being tried to think as hard as he could about the possibility. But as he expected, the answer didn’t come.
“Khahahahaha!! Whatever! This is so good and amazing! O, my future companion, I will guide you until you gain your every powers! Planets form galaxy, galaxies form multi-galaxy. That knowledge will be learned by human easily. But the fact about dimensions form world, worlds form universe, universes form multiverse, and multiverses form Liternature, less human will learn it. And you are something beyond that. Your existence will not bound by rules of Liternature which Khamii created. You may not be realize it yet, and not fully free from the rules, but you will in the future. We and you will march together! And we will challenge Khamii who created my race for the sake of being evil!”
The being started to released a dark-red aura from his whole body, stared to the sky, and said his final words before called his subordinate.
“I hope you see this too, Angra Mainyu. With him help us and we help him, your dream to defeat Ahura Mazda will no longer be impossible.”
Then, The being called one of it’s best subordinate.
After his subordinate arrived, he started to release his orders.
And those orders were,

To be continued

Author Note : Well. There's the update. It is a shame for being too long. But dude, translating is really hard. Especially for me. And Lills, I hope you want to draw some characters of this story. We stayed in our Last Home! The Z that will never erased, The Home that will never burned.

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2018

The One-Eyed King Vol. 1 : Prologue

"The longer you live, the more you realize that you are bound by unbreakable chain and confined in a bloody cage.
The chain is called fate.
The cage is called world.
No matter how hard you try to run, you will never escape in the end.
You’re very much get it, aren’t you?
For those who got a nice chain and cage, they most likely will be grateful.
But, how about those who got a disgusting chain and cage?
They will suffer. They will scream in their heart because of pain they bear.
But, the chain and the cage which hold them forced themselves to not resist.
How pathetic. He forced them, everyone, to follow annoying rules.
Hence, I, as the one who feel the same pain, the one who feel the same suffer, create a wish to make a new chain and a new cage for every livings.
A beautiful chain, full of hope, and not too binding. A charming cage, full of freedom like the sky.
That is why I want sovereignty over all worlds in multiverses. So I can form the new order that I, you, and they always desired."
Those are words said by a being who raise a flag of resistance.
Even though he must fight against the ruler of everything, He always unsheathe his sword  with a smile that shows courage on his face.
That being always keep trying to break the chain that bind him and destroy the cage that imprison him.
Even if his soul must eroded, His heart and his will always be there and strong.
He is a very amazing being.
He is the one that being hated by worshipers of Khamii, The True God who rules everything.
He is the one that being loved by haters of Khamii, They who stands in his back with faith.
He is the one that being coveted by us, demons who always want to get free of their role as evil and full of grudges.
He is The One-Eyed King.
An all powerful being who sees the old world with his one eye.
I do not know what will prevent him in the future after he break his chain, I, Mephis, will always have faith in him.
I let out a smile come on my face while seeing him who lock his one eye to a cloudy sky.
And then, I recall everything that happened in the past.
Those happened before he get his full powers.
Kukuku, what a nostalgic story.

Author Note : Please do not copy my story without permission. I already have a copyright for this, though in different language. If you do it, I will haunt you both in this life and afterlife. I work this translation to Lills and my Bond members. Thank you, Lills. I hope this move your heart to become my artist for my novel's arts.